Daily Archives: July 8, 2013

Where in the world is…

Where in the world is Julia Stainton?

Actually, I’m still here! Same place as always. Thanks for being patient with me.

Now and then life hands you way more than you really wanted to take on at one point in time.

From planning bridal showers…

my lovely daughter baked the cupcakes

..to working on CHA projects

so excited to work on a wedding album for my son and beautiful daughter-in-law   (photos by Kirkman Photography)


…to living in a renovation

one bathroom gets remade into two

my current dining room

In what moment of madness did I agree to renovating 6 rooms at once?! Hubby is a gem and so insanely talented though. It’s going to be worth it when it’s all done.

…to trying to keep up with the weeds

using a low number (large opening) aperture is perfect…it blurs them out of the photo, making me look like a better gardener than I am 🙂

…trying to keep my kiddos out of trouble

my two youngest have a knack for finding it right now

…and of course, the ordinary day to day minutiae, the ongoing sinus headaches and a few other things I have up my sleeve. I’m really not sure if I’m keeping up with anything at all. I admit there are days when it’s so overwhelming. I feel worn. It’s no wonder this has been my favourite song lately…


So if you did happen to miss me over the past month, that’s a quick snapshot of my life right now.

I’m hoping for a little more peace and quiet and time to enjoy the very short summertime. I promise there will be more posts than there have been, even if they are short and sweet.

Take care and enjoy the summer!